Tuesday 17 August 2010

Lesson 6: Transcript.

Cast in this Transcript.
Jonathon - Friend
Ashley - Brother 1
Patrick- Brother 2

Jonathon - Your Bother is suck a mess up.
Ashley - Yeah! i enjoy making his life a hell.


At this point brother 2 to is fighting with brother 1

Patrick - C'mon then ARHH!!
Ashley - HAHA! I have you now.
Jonathon - Man These two have issues.


At this point Brother 2 is playing a prank on Brother 1

Patrick - Hey Joe, whats the capital of Thiland.
Ashely - ARHH! (Ashley is in pain)
Patrick - HAHA!


At this point Brother 1 hits Brother 2 over the head with a big heavt book.

Ashley - Yo Vallo.
Patrick - What you faggot.
Ashley - Brilliant.


One more prank will be placed here. We are unsure on what to place in this gap.

This here is the last scene of the trailer.

Patrick - This is going to be a blood bath.

Lesson 5: Initial Story Board.

The story board that i have designed and made has been writen on a piece of paper so you will be unable to see the rough draft i have made of that.

Due to this trailer only being a teaser trailer it is only going to be at least a minute or so long. A sucessful movie trailer has short and quick cuts to make it look as interesting and as possible. On my stroy board i have made 10 square and i personaly think that there isn't enough boards to fill that minute up. So at the moment i am continuing to make more story boards to make this trailer better.

Lesson 4: Evidence of Intial Planning Decisions.

Choice of Genre - Comedy / Spoof

Target Audience - Mid Teens / Young Adults (15-23)

Resources - We will need about ten actors maybe less to make this teaser trailer, the location that is going to be used is Cardinal Newman School, Costumes will need to be bright and certain props will need to be used to make the pranks.