Tuesday 17 August 2010

Lesson 6: Transcript.

Cast in this Transcript.
Jonathon - Friend
Ashley - Brother 1
Patrick- Brother 2

Jonathon - Your Bother is suck a mess up.
Ashley - Yeah! i enjoy making his life a hell.


At this point brother 2 to is fighting with brother 1

Patrick - C'mon then ARHH!!
Ashley - HAHA! I have you now.
Jonathon - Man These two have issues.


At this point Brother 2 is playing a prank on Brother 1

Patrick - Hey Joe, whats the capital of Thiland.
Ashely - ARHH! (Ashley is in pain)
Patrick - HAHA!


At this point Brother 1 hits Brother 2 over the head with a big heavt book.

Ashley - Yo Vallo.
Patrick - What you faggot.
Ashley - Brilliant.


One more prank will be placed here. We are unsure on what to place in this gap.

This here is the last scene of the trailer.

Patrick - This is going to be a blood bath.

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