Friday 25 June 2010

Lesson 1, Trailer conventions

In our First lesson of A2, I was asked to analyse three movies. Within these each of these three movies I have to review 3 teaser tailers, analyse three movie posters and three magazine covers. These films are of my chose and i want to stick with same genre. The three films im going to review are; Jackass Number Two, Terminator Salvation and Step Brothers. So thats two comedies and one action.


Here is my first Movie Magazine cover. It is Advertising Terminator Salvation. On the page it shows the main star of the movie. It also shows the name of the movie clearly on the cover, along with sub headings and other pictures of the three previous films to show what they have led up to.

Here is the link to the Trailer of this movie.

In this trailer is shows the best clips of the movie, It also show a lot action also telling you its genre, I find that trailer has shown a lot camera anles and cuts to make the trailer look impressive to the audience. Also the music used aslo creates suspence.

Here is the movie poster for the movie.

With This poster is shows what the movie is all about, it shows the machine known as the terminator. With the eyes of the terminator it also indicates the genre of the movie showing that it is a action/ horror.


When I was doing my research i was unable to find a magazine with this movie being published on the magazine, this may indicate that the movie isnt very important.

Here is the link to the Trailer of this Movie.

In this movie trailer it starts with a narrator giving reviews of the last movie and slowly builds up into scenes of the actual movie. With short cuts and funny music it makes the movie look like a comdey. All though this movie is a documentry it is scene as funny.

Here is the movie poster for this movie.

This movie poster is very plane and simple, it shows the movie logo which indicates that it is a jackass movie. Also on the poster it shows the warning sign that lets the audinece know what they are expecting in the movie.


Here is the magazine cover for Iron Man 2. It is very eye catching because the colour is very bright, along with that is has a dark background which may show there is some evilness. Along with the subheadings and images of other features in the magazine. It blaintently show the man concept of the movie and that is iron man itself.

Here is the movie trailer for this movie.

In this trailer we see very fast cuts which shows that there is a lot of action in the movie. The audience would be drawn to this movie becuase of the fact that this movie is now a sequal from the first so it would be a success.

Here is the movie poster

Here is the movie poster for Iron Man 2, it shows iron man himself and another mehanical machine like him posed back to back on a dark and cloudy background. If I saw this as person from the audience i wouldnt find this very appealing because i feel persides the image the poster looks very plain.

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