Tuesday 13 July 2010

Lesson 2, Audience Research

In our second lesson we interviewed a number of students about films. We chose a number of questions as a group to ask them about various movies, magazines and how much they notice they take when they consider films to watch. Myself Patrick Hone, Michael McGinley, James Penny, Claudia Otim and Phil Platt all participated in note taking and asking questions. In the first set of questions asked, James Penny took the lead in asking most of the questions, whilst Phil took notes.

Name: Ashley (M) + Paris (F)

Age: 13

Favourite Films: Adulthood – Paris
Don’t Mess with the Zohan – Ashley

Normal Method of Viewing – DVD

At this point we showed them two magazine covers, and asked them which one they preferred, why, and if they would pick them up form a newsstand

Magazine Covers – Kickass – Paris - Colourful
Robin Hood – Ashley – Good Films

We then showed them four magazine covers that we asked the about which films they have seen and which magazine cover looks the. Many of the groups thought that the Italian Job poster looked the most impressive.

Second Group

Name: Ryan (M) + Ellie (F) + Lauren (F)

Age 12, 13

Genre of Films They Liked: Action – Ryan
Comedy – Ellie
Romance – Lauren

Favourite Films: Marley and Me – Ellie and Lauren
King Kong – Ryan

They all said that their method of viewing films was DVD.

We then asked them what some questions about movie magazines. These involved the two magazine covers we asked them about.

All three of them mentioned that they read film magazines.

From the two magazine covers Ryan preferred the Kickass cover due to the violence it showed and the blood as well. Lauren preferred the Robin Hood because she thought it stood out more than the other one.

The next group of questions we asked them about was about movie trailers.

We asked them on whether they have seen any trailer that stand out for them and they all said the Twilight Saga Eclipse because it is the latest and most popular film that is currently being shown in the cinemas.

Out of the three trailers we showed them on them screen, they thought that the new Harry Potter fim looked the best due to the effrects the music building suspence.

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