Friday 23 July 2010

Lesson 3, Audience Research Part 2

In our second lesson we underwent another audience research lesson. This time we asked questions to eight year 10’s about movie trailers, movie posters, and movie magazine covers. We tried to see weather they would notice and specific features with the questions we asked them.

Name: Kieran (M)
Maria (F)
Joe (M)
Naomi (M)

Age: All 15

Favourite Films
Kieran – Happy Gilmore
Naomi – Big Daddy
Maria – N/A
Joe – Sniper

Their favourite genre of movies that everyone agreed to was comedy because from there favourite films they choose.

Magazine Covers.

We asked the group of four weather they read movie magazines, and they unfortunately said that they don’t read movie magazines.

The next question we asked them from the four magazines covers we asked them what was their favourite cover and what it is about it that stands out them.

Joe – Max Payne – because he had an interest in guns
Naomi – James Bond – because it is colourful
Kieran - /
Maria - /

Movie Posters.

On the table we displayed a number of movie posters and we asked them what there favourite one was and which one they have seen.

Kieran – Happy Gilmore
Joe – Onion Movie

We asked them if they have seen any movie posters in the street or in posters.

Naomi – Shrek 3
Kieran – Toy Story 3
Karate Kid


We shown them three movie trailers, which we asked them would they would like to see these movie from watching the movies trailers. They all said yes although they wouldn’t pay to see these.

Lonely Bones

They said it looked interesting


They all said it was funny, Joe said he liked it because they had guns in it. The rest said they like the comedy.

Happy Potter

They all gave us the answer of they all said it looked brilliant.

Group 2

Matty- (M)
Ian – (M)
Owain – (M)
Danielle – (F)

Favourite Movies

Ian – Toy Story
Owain – Happy Gilmore
Matty - The Butterfly Effect
Danielle – Spiderman

They all said that they have their own favourite genre these included Comedy and Action.

They all watch movies at home.

We are shown them movie posters

2x Dark Knight
2x Max Payne

They have seen every movie poster that we shown them apart from the Onion Movie.

None of them remember any movie posters or have a favourite poster. This doesn’t help with the research that we are doing.


Lovely Bones

None of group said they would see this in the cinema, but when it is released on TV they would consider watching it


Half said they would see this other half said they wouldn’t

Harry Potter.

They noticed specific dates we asked them. And everyone said they would see this as it’s the last movie they are making.

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