Tuesday 17 August 2010

Lesson 6: Transcript.

Cast in this Transcript.
Jonathon - Friend
Ashley - Brother 1
Patrick- Brother 2

Jonathon - Your Bother is suck a mess up.
Ashley - Yeah! i enjoy making his life a hell.


At this point brother 2 to is fighting with brother 1

Patrick - C'mon then ARHH!!
Ashley - HAHA! I have you now.
Jonathon - Man These two have issues.


At this point Brother 2 is playing a prank on Brother 1

Patrick - Hey Joe, whats the capital of Thiland.
Ashely - ARHH! (Ashley is in pain)
Patrick - HAHA!


At this point Brother 1 hits Brother 2 over the head with a big heavt book.

Ashley - Yo Vallo.
Patrick - What you faggot.
Ashley - Brilliant.


One more prank will be placed here. We are unsure on what to place in this gap.

This here is the last scene of the trailer.

Patrick - This is going to be a blood bath.

Lesson 5: Initial Story Board.

The story board that i have designed and made has been writen on a piece of paper so you will be unable to see the rough draft i have made of that.

Due to this trailer only being a teaser trailer it is only going to be at least a minute or so long. A sucessful movie trailer has short and quick cuts to make it look as interesting and as possible. On my stroy board i have made 10 square and i personaly think that there isn't enough boards to fill that minute up. So at the moment i am continuing to make more story boards to make this trailer better.

Lesson 4: Evidence of Intial Planning Decisions.

Choice of Genre - Comedy / Spoof

Target Audience - Mid Teens / Young Adults (15-23)

Resources - We will need about ten actors maybe less to make this teaser trailer, the location that is going to be used is Cardinal Newman School, Costumes will need to be bright and certain props will need to be used to make the pranks.

Friday 23 July 2010

Lesson 3, Audience Research Part 2

In our second lesson we underwent another audience research lesson. This time we asked questions to eight year 10’s about movie trailers, movie posters, and movie magazine covers. We tried to see weather they would notice and specific features with the questions we asked them.

Name: Kieran (M)
Maria (F)
Joe (M)
Naomi (M)

Age: All 15

Favourite Films
Kieran – Happy Gilmore
Naomi – Big Daddy
Maria – N/A
Joe – Sniper

Their favourite genre of movies that everyone agreed to was comedy because from there favourite films they choose.

Magazine Covers.

We asked the group of four weather they read movie magazines, and they unfortunately said that they don’t read movie magazines.

The next question we asked them from the four magazines covers we asked them what was their favourite cover and what it is about it that stands out them.

Joe – Max Payne – because he had an interest in guns
Naomi – James Bond – because it is colourful
Kieran - /
Maria - /

Movie Posters.

On the table we displayed a number of movie posters and we asked them what there favourite one was and which one they have seen.

Kieran – Happy Gilmore
Joe – Onion Movie

We asked them if they have seen any movie posters in the street or in posters.

Naomi – Shrek 3
Kieran – Toy Story 3
Karate Kid


We shown them three movie trailers, which we asked them would they would like to see these movie from watching the movies trailers. They all said yes although they wouldn’t pay to see these.

Lonely Bones

They said it looked interesting


They all said it was funny, Joe said he liked it because they had guns in it. The rest said they like the comedy.

Happy Potter

They all gave us the answer of they all said it looked brilliant.

Group 2

Matty- (M)
Ian – (M)
Owain – (M)
Danielle – (F)

Favourite Movies

Ian – Toy Story
Owain – Happy Gilmore
Matty - The Butterfly Effect
Danielle – Spiderman

They all said that they have their own favourite genre these included Comedy and Action.

They all watch movies at home.

We are shown them movie posters

2x Dark Knight
2x Max Payne

They have seen every movie poster that we shown them apart from the Onion Movie.

None of them remember any movie posters or have a favourite poster. This doesn’t help with the research that we are doing.


Lovely Bones

None of group said they would see this in the cinema, but when it is released on TV they would consider watching it


Half said they would see this other half said they wouldn’t

Harry Potter.

They noticed specific dates we asked them. And everyone said they would see this as it’s the last movie they are making.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Lesson 2, Audience Research

In our second lesson we interviewed a number of students about films. We chose a number of questions as a group to ask them about various movies, magazines and how much they notice they take when they consider films to watch. Myself Patrick Hone, Michael McGinley, James Penny, Claudia Otim and Phil Platt all participated in note taking and asking questions. In the first set of questions asked, James Penny took the lead in asking most of the questions, whilst Phil took notes.

Name: Ashley (M) + Paris (F)

Age: 13

Favourite Films: Adulthood – Paris
Don’t Mess with the Zohan – Ashley

Normal Method of Viewing – DVD

At this point we showed them two magazine covers, and asked them which one they preferred, why, and if they would pick them up form a newsstand

Magazine Covers – Kickass – Paris - Colourful
Robin Hood – Ashley – Good Films

We then showed them four magazine covers that we asked the about which films they have seen and which magazine cover looks the. Many of the groups thought that the Italian Job poster looked the most impressive.

Second Group

Name: Ryan (M) + Ellie (F) + Lauren (F)

Age 12, 13

Genre of Films They Liked: Action – Ryan
Comedy – Ellie
Romance – Lauren

Favourite Films: Marley and Me – Ellie and Lauren
King Kong – Ryan

They all said that their method of viewing films was DVD.

We then asked them what some questions about movie magazines. These involved the two magazine covers we asked them about.

All three of them mentioned that they read film magazines.

From the two magazine covers Ryan preferred the Kickass cover due to the violence it showed and the blood as well. Lauren preferred the Robin Hood because she thought it stood out more than the other one.

The next group of questions we asked them about was about movie trailers.

We asked them on whether they have seen any trailer that stand out for them and they all said the Twilight Saga Eclipse because it is the latest and most popular film that is currently being shown in the cinemas.

Out of the three trailers we showed them on them screen, they thought that the new Harry Potter fim looked the best due to the effrects the music building suspence.

Friday 25 June 2010

Lesson 1, Trailer conventions

In our First lesson of A2, I was asked to analyse three movies. Within these each of these three movies I have to review 3 teaser tailers, analyse three movie posters and three magazine covers. These films are of my chose and i want to stick with same genre. The three films im going to review are; Jackass Number Two, Terminator Salvation and Step Brothers. So thats two comedies and one action.


Here is my first Movie Magazine cover. It is Advertising Terminator Salvation. On the page it shows the main star of the movie. It also shows the name of the movie clearly on the cover, along with sub headings and other pictures of the three previous films to show what they have led up to.

Here is the link to the Trailer of this movie.


In this trailer is shows the best clips of the movie, It also show a lot action also telling you its genre, I find that trailer has shown a lot camera anles and cuts to make the trailer look impressive to the audience. Also the music used aslo creates suspence.

Here is the movie poster for the movie.

With This poster is shows what the movie is all about, it shows the machine known as the terminator. With the eyes of the terminator it also indicates the genre of the movie showing that it is a action/ horror.


When I was doing my research i was unable to find a magazine with this movie being published on the magazine, this may indicate that the movie isnt very important.

Here is the link to the Trailer of this Movie.


In this movie trailer it starts with a narrator giving reviews of the last movie and slowly builds up into scenes of the actual movie. With short cuts and funny music it makes the movie look like a comdey. All though this movie is a documentry it is scene as funny.

Here is the movie poster for this movie.

This movie poster is very plane and simple, it shows the movie logo which indicates that it is a jackass movie. Also on the poster it shows the warning sign that lets the audinece know what they are expecting in the movie.


Here is the magazine cover for Iron Man 2. It is very eye catching because the colour is very bright, along with that is has a dark background which may show there is some evilness. Along with the subheadings and images of other features in the magazine. It blaintently show the man concept of the movie and that is iron man itself.

Here is the movie trailer for this movie.


In this trailer we see very fast cuts which shows that there is a lot of action in the movie. The audience would be drawn to this movie becuase of the fact that this movie is now a sequal from the first so it would be a success.

Here is the movie poster

Here is the movie poster for Iron Man 2, it shows iron man himself and another mehanical machine like him posed back to back on a dark and cloudy background. If I saw this as person from the audience i wouldnt find this very appealing because i feel persides the image the poster looks very plain.